The aim of the Horn Camp is to be an integral part of brass education in Hungary, where students can gain new knowledge, professional experience and even lifelong friendships. Furthermore, our main goal is to build a united community within the large family of Hungarian horn players. With the presence of outstanding soloists and artist-teachers, the Horn Camp is completed with individual lessons, chamber music sessions, piano rehearsals and, of course, community-building recreational activities.

Endre Tekula
Chief Organiser
About the Horn Camp
The Horn Camp was created as an integral part of the International Wind Festival. The Paks-based festival will bring its programmes and camps to six more towns. Through the festival’s programmes, campers can take part in great professional programmes, instrument demonstrations and concerts, while the education can be organised in complete isolation, with maximum attention to the students and their professional progress. The Horn Camp offers an unrivalled opportunity for everyone to progress in music. The National Bugle Camp initiative is part of a series of events to bring Hungarian horn players together in a community.
Who can come?
Whether you are a beginner, a music school student, a college student, a college student, everyone is welcome!
Arrival, departure home
Arrival: Monday, 11 August 2025, 10:00-12:00 at the Pro Artis Elementary Art School. It is recommended that you first check in at the accommodation and bring your instrument to the school (First meal: hot lunch)
Departure: Saturday 16 August 2025
Dormitory: Dormitory of the Energy Vocational School (7030 Paks, Gagarin u. 3., 7030; GPS: GPS: 46° 36′ 47.6″ N, 18° 50′ 29″) The renovated dormitory has 2-4 beds, with separate rooms for boys and girls. Dormitory accommodation is included in the application fee. The dormitory has a supervising teacher with the Horn Camp participants.
About the Horn Camp
The Horn Camp was created as an integral part of the International Wind Festival. The Paks-based festival will bring its programmes and camps to six more towns. Through the festival’s programmes, campers can take part in great professional programmes, instrument demonstrations and concerts, while the education can be organised in complete isolation, with maximum attention to the students and their professional progress. The Horn Camp offers an unrivalled opportunity for everyone to progress in music. The National Bugle Camp initiative is part of a series of events to bring Hungarian horn players together in a community.
In the mornings, the day starts with a joint breathing exercise and a blow-in. In the morning, both primary and secondary school students take part in individual horn lessons, and after lunch the teachers hold chamber music sessions.
Another special feature of the camp is the horn orchestra, formed by the participants, in which each participant takes part with a solo of the appropriate level of difficulty and performs at the end of the camp.
The camp courses take place in 7030 Paks, Szentháromság tér 1.
Our teachers